Thursday, June 30, 2011

LIFE not L.I.F.E.

Okay, so let's make this clear right off the bat. This is a blog about the happenings of life. When I ask, "What does L.I.F.E. stand for?", I don't mean, "What does each specific letter of the word 'life' stand for?" You know, "L" is for "love" or something stupid like that. Though, if I were to do something like that, it would probably go something like this:

L - Love
I - Intensity
F - Friends
E - Everyday

"L" is for Love
Well, this one is obvious. You can't live without love. Why do you think so many people commit suicide? Because they don't love life, of course! That's why it's important to love and to spread your love to anyone you can.

"I" is for Intensity
Live every day as if it were your last, isn't that how the saying goes? You must do everything with a sort of intensity that shows people that you're living life to the fullest. Intensity can be contagious. If you're doing your best in everything, then everyone around you will be affected by your enthusiasm and determination and they will work hard, too. Besides, what's the point of doing a half-assed job when you know you can do a better one?

"F" is for Friends
Your family, your school friends, your best friends, your acquaintances, your boy/girlfriends...they're all friends. They matter to you, right? They're important to you, right? And they're a big part of your life...right?! Enough said.

"E" is for Everyday
Everyday matters. Everyday, something happens. Everyday, you need to make the most of what's going on. Everyday, rain or shine, bad or good, you live. Life goes on. Why not do what you can with what you've got?

Of course, I probably shouldn't be the one talking. I'm a self-proclaimed hypocrite, I know, but since I'm also not modest, I must admit that I do give pretty darn good advice. Maybe I should start living life to the fullest. Maybe I should live everyday as if it were my last. But who says I'm not? Who says the "glass of life" (corny metaphor, I know) isn't already full for me? Who says I wouldn't be sitting at my computer, blogging, on my last day on earth? Whoever says that could be wrong. Or...

Okay, let's start at the beginning. I had a dream once a couple years ago. I remember it started out on a large wooden playground. When I entered the dream, there was what was obviously a ghost, all translucent and white with black holes for eyes and all. I knew I was supposed to escape from the ghost, like a game of tag, except when I was tagged I would be dead, or so I thought. Well, the ghost got me immediately. Big whoop-dee-doo, 'cause I ended up right back where I started, as if playing a video game where my immortal self appears at a certain checkpoint after dying so as to get another shot at succeeding. (Which never happens in real life, of course. But we can overlook that.) Well, the second time around, I dodged the ghost and, suddenly, jumped up into the air and started flying. (I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen in real life either.)

I was flying. The ghost was flying behind me, trying to catch me. But despite the obviously dangerous circumstances - you know, being chased for my life and all - I could only focus on the fact that I was flying, and I was succeeding at my task of collecting the acorns that, apparently, was my objective.

All of a sudden, there was a scene change. I was with some group who was travelling across a couple islands, trying to outrun some enemy. I was more familiar with this one guy, who I don't recall seeing in real life, but apparently he was my friend in my dream. He had shaggy brown hair and he was - to be blunt - pretty darn hot if I may say so myself. He must've been a couple years older than me, who was sixteen in the dream. (I was about 12 or so when I had the dream, though.) His importance, however, was not his looks, but what he told me. I only faintly recall his entire speech, but I distinctly remember asking him at one point what he though the meaning of life was. His reply, after a couple "hmm"s and "uhh"s, was, "I think you're asking the wrong question. Life doesn't have to mean anything. It's too different for each person."

I guess I didn't understand it then, but I'm pretty sure someone was trying to send me a message subconsciously. "Life doesn't have to mean anything", he said. Then what was the point?

"That's easy. To live."

He said it so simply, like it was the most simple thing in the world. And perhaps it really is that simple. Life is about living and nothing more. But I didn't understand. I was baffled, I remember. Not long after that, I woke up, and I soon forgot about the dream and whatever message it may have been trying to send me. It didn't completely go away though. I still remember some details very vividly. The ghost chase, the talk with that boy, and in particular one phrase that boy said as he rubbed his chin thoughfully. "What life stands for...", he muttered, trailing off and leaving his thought unaswered. That's a better question, seemed to be the thought implied there, but I didn't quite get that. I was merely baffled at his lack of explanation of anything he said. How was I supposed to understand what he meant? I was 12!

It was only recently, when I thought back on the dream, and I realized a few things. First of all, that first ghost chase scene? A metaphor. One giant, obvious metaphor. The flying represents me living life to the fullest, taking risks, and just generally being happy. The acorns represent my life goals and how I succeed in reaching them through "flying". The ghost represents the dangers that my outgoing actions impose upon me, and its failure to catch me represents my triumph over these obstacles.

I also began to understand what the mysterious dream guy meant by what he said. It's not "What does life mean?", but rather, "What does life stand for?" And what could that possibly mean, you might ask? Well, it's simple. In this case, "stand for" does not mean "mean"; they aren't interchangeable. In this case, "stand for" is meant literally. In other words, "For what does life stand?" Why is life? Why does it exist? Or, more personally, why does it exist for you? This may not make much sense to you, but it does to me.

Why is this important? Well, for one thing, it got me asking the right questions. It also got me thinking, since life is so individualized, why can't my "glass of life" be the same? If it's too small, why can't I just make it bigger?

So many questions! But, it all comes down to this: you can always do better and live your life fuller (if that makes any sense).

The dream is what inspired me to write this blog. I wanted to write my thoughts and feelings about certain things going on in my life so I can put my life into words. Since writing is the one way I can get my thoughts and feelings across, I figured it might be a good idea to try it out in such a way where people can actually see what I'm writing. That way, I'm still communicating with others, though not in person. Most importantly, through this blog, I can track my own thoughts as time goes on, and hopefully I'll be able to see a change. If I don't, then I know that something has to change, right?

So, I named this blog after that one memorable line from my dream: "What Life Stands For". Only difference is, I separated each letter of the word "life". How come? Because life is made of so many different parts that you can't define it in only one way. And, more simply, I wanted to emphasize the word "life". All of this may seem confusing and irrelevant or whatever, but hey. This is the kind of thing I think about all the time, so get used to it.

One last thing. I'll also be using this blog to give advice, so if anyone needs advice, feel free to ask!

Remember: The glass is only as full as you make it. :)


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